Rule 9: Verification of Evidence of Origin
1. The importing Member State may as necessary require further evidence to support any declaration or certificate of origin furnished under Rule 8.
2. The importing Member State shall not prevent the importer from taking delivery of the goods solely on the grounds that it requires such further evidence, but may require security for any duty
or other charge which may be payable; provided that where goods are subject to any import restrictions or prohibitions, the stipulation for delivery under security shall not apply.
3. Where, under paragraph 1 of this Rule, a Member State has required further evidence to be furnished, those concerned in another Member State shall be free to produce it to a governmental authority or an authorised body of the latter State, who shall, after thorough verification of the evidence, furnish an appropriate report to the importing Member State.
4. Where it is necessary to do so by reason of its legislation, a Member State may prescribe that requests by the authorities of importing Member States for further evidence from those concerned in the Member State shall be addressed to a specified governmental authority, who shall after thorough verification of the evidence furnish an appropriate report to the importing Member State.
5. If the importing Member State wishes an investigation to be made into the accuracy of the evidence which it has received it may make a request to that effect to the other Member State or States concerned.
6. Information obtained under the provisions of this Rule by the importing Member State shall be treated as confidential.