Article 35: Acceptance of Diplomas, Certificates, and other Evidence of Qualifications

  1. COHSOD, in  consultation with the competent Organ, shall establish common standards and measures for accreditation or when necessary for the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of qualifications of the nationals of the Member States in order to facilitate  access  to,  and  engagement in,  employment and  non-wage-earning activities  in  the Community.
  1. The Member States shall establish or employ, as the case may be, appropriate mechanisms  to establish common standards to determine equivalency or accord accreditation to diplomas, certificates and other evidence of qualifications secured by nationals of other Member States.
  1. COHSOD shall also establish measures for the co-ordination of legislative and administrative requirements of the Member States for the participation of Community nationals in employment and for the conduct of non-wage-earning activities in the Community.