Article 27: Common Voting Procedures in Community Organs and Bodies

  1. Subject to paragraph 2 of this Article, each Member State represented on Community Organs and Bodies shall have one vote.  A simple majority of Member States shall constitute a quorum.
  1. Member States, whose contributions to the regular budget of the Community are in arrears for more than two years,  shall not have the right to vote except on matters relating to the CSME,  but may otherwise participate in the deliberations of Community Organs and Bodies. The Conference may, nevertheless, permit such Member States to vote if it is satisfied that the failure to contribute is due to conditions beyond their control.
  1. Decisions on procedural issues in Community Organs shall be reached by a simple majority of Member States.
  1. Subject to the agreement of the Conference, a Member State may opt out of obligations arising from the decisions of competent Organs provided that the fundamental objectives of the Community, as laid down in the Treaty, are not prejudiced thereby.
  1. Prior to taking decisions on any issue falling to be determined by Community Organs, the Secretariat shall bring to the attention of the meeting the financial implications of such decisions and any other matters which may be relevant.
  1.  Recommendations of Community Organs shall be made by a two-thirds majority of Member States and shall not be legally binding. Member States omitting to comply with recommendations shall inform the Secretariat in writing within six months stating the reasons for their non-compliance.
  2.  Subject to the relevant provisions of this Treaty, Community Organs and Bodies shall establish their rules of procedure.