Article 24: The Secretary-General
- The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the Conference, on the recommendation of the Community Council, for a term not exceeding five years and may be reappointed by the Conference.
- The Secretary-General shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Community and shall, subject to the determinations of competent Organs of the Community and in accordance with the financial and other regulations, perform the following functions:
(a) represent the Community;
(b) develop, as mandated, decisions of competent Organs of the Community into implementable proposals;
(c) identify and mobilise, as required, external resources to implement decisions at the regional level and undertake studies and develop decisions on relevant issues into implementable proposals;
(d) implement, as mandated, decisions at the regional level for the achievement of Community objectives;
(e) implement, with the consent of the Member State concerned, Community decisions which do not require legislative or administrative action by national authorities;
(f) monitor and report on, as mandated, implementation of Community decisions;
(g) initiate or develop proposals for consideration and decision by competent
Organs in order to achieve Community objectives, and
(h) such other functions assigned by the Conference or other competent Organs.